Sunday, November 23, 2014

NaNoWriMo Day 21, 22 & 23!

I am a terrible blogger, I know. But at least I'm here today, right? Right now, I am in the middle of writing a pretty cool scene--if I do say so myself--and I just wanted to give an update before the stroke of midnight!

Here are the stats so far for me!

2014-11-01: 4,055
2014-11-02: 6,326
2014-11-03: 9,000
2014-11-04: 10,401
2014-11-05: 11,467
2014-11-06: 11,489
2014-11-07: 11,489
2014-11-08: 13,467
2014-11-09: 13,736
2014-11-10: 15,099
2014-11-11: 19,023
2014-11-12: 19,023
2014-11-13: 19,023
2014-11-14: 22,726
2014-11-15: 22,726
2014-11-16: 22,935
2014-11-17: 27,000
2014-11-18: 27,089
2014-11-19: 27,274
2014-11-20: 28,711
2014-11-21: 29,291
2014-11-22: 29,291
2014-11-23: 32,081

YAY! I wrote 2,790 words for the day! I am still going to continue to write tonight, but I wanted to get this blog post out of the way before I did any such thing. 

As you can see, I wrote very little on the 20-22. Those days I just didn't feel motivated to write my book anymore, and the infamous Doubt was telling me things like this:

"You can't possibly write this book by the 30th of November! It is impossible. You're going to fail miserably and you'll be a failure as an author and as a student trying to prioritize!"

Yeah, my Doubt is real mean...

But anyway, I listened to Doubt those two fateful days (and all those other days that I didn't write, yeah that was Doubt's fault too! [though I guess it's my fault too since I listened to Doubt, but anyway]). 

My piece of advice for today is this: DO NOT LISTEN TO DOUBT! Doubt it a sneaky little bastard and can make you believe things that are totally not true about yourself, and make you want to just be done right then and there. But you have to keep pushing on! I'm going to start taking this advice and write the last 18,000 or so words left of my novel before the end of this month. 

And I'm going to win NaNoWriMo. And I'm going to be proud of myself. And I'm probably going to drink a lot of coffee and get very little sleep (but what's new?)

Good night everybody!

Have you ever listened to Doubt's ministrations? Any advice for pushing that little voice away?

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